Price List

Craftanica charges sellers fees for individual acts of usage and services provided by Craftanica. These fees are in the form of “listing fees”“sales commissions”, or “other remunerations“.

Listing fees

For the listing of offers, with a maximum duration until 30.08.2018, fees depend on the price and product type, according to the following model (including VAT):
The listing fee will be charged for the first item immediately. For any higher availability the listing fee will be charged on sale of each unit till either the availability has depleted or the duration of the item is over.
Sales price Listing fee
0,10 € – 10,00 € 0,10 €
10,01 € – 20,00 € 0,20 €
>= 20,01 €  0,30 €

Sales Commission

9,5 % on the sales price (excl. Shipping costs)

Included in this fee is the transaction commission of the Craftanica Wallet amounting to 1,9% (of the incoming value to the seller’s wallet), which was charged separately before 16.7.2018.